Large sliding doors - spray finish in Virginia Water

This hallway storage solution was a perfect idea for our customers as they requested we spray these large doors and framework, plus the very detailed cornice. The door handle details are absolutely beautiful and although details like this are extremely challenging to paint via spray machine; with our guns and equipment, this is a doddle. The job location for this job is based in Virginia Water, Surrey.

Spray painters in Virginia Water.

Bespoke carpenters in Virginia water.

Spray painters in Surrey

The front facing view of the spray finished wardrobe

The front facing view of the spray finished wardrobe

This image shows the details of these large sliding doors. Spray finished using Benjamin Moore Scuff X eggshell. Door spray painters in Virginia water

This image shows the details of these large sliding doors. Spray finished using Benjamin Moore Scuff X eggshell. Door spray painters in Virginia water

A sneak peak of what happens behind the scenes at our spray shop in Windlesham, Surrey. This simply stunning cornice spray finished beautifully. A 4.2metre length.

A sneak peak of what happens behind the scenes at our spray shop in Windlesham, Surrey. This simply stunning cornice spray finished beautifully. A 4.2metre length.


TV/Media display - Spray finished in Sandhurst


Bespoke wardrobe. Spray finished in Yateley, Berkshire